Classroom Management Plan-Assertive Discipline

1.  Follow directions, speaking restrictions, and all safety rules;
2.  Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself;
3.  Raise your hand and get permission before speaking;
4.  Be seated with all materials ready, when class begins;
5.  No teasing, unacceptable language or gestures;
     No severe behavior!

Positive Recognition/Rewards
1.  Praise;
2.  Positive notes/positive phone calls home;
3.  Special privileges;
4.  Tangible/academic rewards;
5.  Classwide rewards;

1.  Name written in book=Warning;
2.  Name and check mark=Lose 5 minutes recess or spend 5 min. in timeout;
3.  Name and 2 checkmarks=Lose 10 minutes recess or spend 10 min. in timeout;
4.  Name and 3 checkmarks=Lose 15 minutes recess or in timeout, call to parents
                                              or note home to parents;
5.  Name and 4 check marks=Sent to Principal;
Severe Behavior=Immediately sent to Principal;

First time sent to office-Conference with student and 15 minutes detention during
                                     or after school;
Second time sent to office-Conference with student, call parents, and 30 min.
                                         detention after school;
Third time sent to office-Conference with student, call to parents, and 1 hr. Sat.
                                      morning detention
Fourth time sent to office-Conference with student, call to parents, and 3 hrs.
                                        Saturday morning detention
Fifth time sent to office-1-5 day out-of-school suspension, followed by parent
                                    conference before student returns to school
Sixth time sent to office-Recommended to the Board of Education for expulsion from
                                     school, student due process procedures shall be guaranteed.
